That’s right, I’m changing the color of my Tesla from black to green! …Just kidding😝
My Model S has changed my way of traveling, driving, and my perspective on sustainability. Knowing its positive impact on the planet, having an electric vehicle has made me more aware of my affect on the environment. Being able to travel and explore while emitting zero emissions makes traveling even better.
So, I’m going green. In order to continue to show my appreciation for the planet and all it has to offer, I’ve embarked on an eco-journey and am trying to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Now, what does that mean? To me an “eco-journey” is a progression toward an eco-friendly lifestyle with the goal of achieving the higher standards of 100% sustainability. Just like I did my research and chose my Tesla with intention, I have been doing the same with all of my other lifestyle choices but with more consideration for the environment. With a quick search on the internet, I’m able to make more eco-friendly purchases and learn better sustainability practices.
Truth bomb: this is not a new concept, to me or anyone else for that matter. “Going green” is actually a return to a more thoughtful way of living on a daily basis. Indigenous people worldwide have been mindful of their affect on the planet from the beginning of time. They have always been “green” and even more so, sustainable. But with all of modern society’s conveniences, social and economic standards, industrial advancements, and politics, the fundamentals of coexisting with nature were lost.
Tesla is a leader in automotive technology and creating a new path for electric vehicles, and yet this progressive car has propelled me to go back to basics. Oh, the irony!
How “green” do you live? Do you have goals to be more eco-friendly?

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